Here is a listing of Dreamcall users and their ID#'s. Give them a call. If you would like to be included in the listing, e-mail your name and Dreamcall ID# to me at segadreamworld@sega.net.
ammon1 ID# 17076000038
AXLROSE38 ID# 13046000059
Brice Gilbert ID# 13606000002
cody45 ID# 16096000049
Jesse Matthews ID# 14086000159
Q ID# 18646000024
Seth Gastelum ID#: 17606000010
Shenmue ID# 146546000001
suarez56 ID# 15616000025
Tenchi ID# 18166000023
TheFonz01 ID# 13376000017
Tim Halat ID# 15706000037
wade2422 ID# 19706000016
©2001 SEGA Dreamworld